Translational research for JBCRG-11TC("Evaluation of the Usefulness of Pre-operative Exemestane (EXE) Therapy for Treatment of Hormone-Sensitive Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Patients, and EXE + TC Combination Therapy for Nonresponders to EXE Therapy.")
- Status
No Longer Recruiting
- Objectives
Identification of a molecular marker to predict the therapeutic effect and a marker for "Evaluation of the Usefulness of Pre-operative Exemestane (EXE) Therapy for Treatment of Hormone-Sensitive Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Patients, and EXE + TC Combination Therapy for Nonresponders to EXE Therapy."
- Subjects
Among the patients who participated in the "Evaluation of the Usefulness of Pre-operative Exemestane (EXE) Therapy for Treatment of Hormone-Sensitive Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Patients, and EXE + TC Combination Therapy for Nonresponders to EXE Therapy." those who submitted tumor tissue and blood samples for this study.
1)Paraffin block 2)Frozen section 3)Serum 4)Blood sample for CEC
- Endpoints
1) Analysis of paraffin embedded samples, before, after and during treatment. 2) Analysis and immunostaining of frozen section, Expression analysis of mRNA. 3) Analysis of blood samples.
- Trial Period
2010.Oct~2022.Sep(Entry period:2years, Follow up period :10years from last entry)
- Lead Principal Investigator
Masakazu Toi(Kyoto University), Hironobu Sasano(Tohoku University), Takayuki Ueno(Kyorin University)
- Target Sample Size
Patients who agreed to enter JBCRG-11TC TR
- Regimen
- Source of Funding
Japan Breast Cancer Reserch Group
- Conference Presentation
- Articles and Publications
- jRCT
- Memo
- COI Disclosure