Fulvestrant with additional palbociclib in advanced or metastatic HR-positive HER2-negative breast cancer after progression to fulvestrant monotherapy.
-FUTURE trial a multicenter study-
- Status
Study Closed
- Objectives
1)Collect Information of PFS and safety in Fulvestrant + Palbociclib for patients with resistant Fulvestrant
2)Collect Information of PFS in Fulvestrant as 1st and 2nd line therapy for HR-positive MBC
3)We assessed the biomarker and mechanism of drug resistance on Fulvestrant monotherapy and Fulvestrant + Palbociclib
- Subjects
- Endpoints
Primary: Progression-free survival: PFS,
Secondary: Overall Survival, Overall response rate, Time to treatment failure (TTF), Safety, Translational Research
- Trial Period
Enrollment:Dec.2017-May 2019, Observation:to May 2020, Follou up: to May, 2021
- Lead Principal Investigator
1)Naoki Niikura (Tokai University School of Medicine), 2)Shigehira Saji (Fukushima Medical University )
- Target Sample Size
1st phase:200, 2nd phase:70
- Regimen
Fulvestrant + Palbociclib
- Source of Funding
AstraZeneca K.K.
- Conference Presentation
Fulvestrant with additional palbociclib in advanced or metastatic hormone receptor-positive HER2-negative breast cancer after progression to fulvestrant monotherapy: JBCRG- M07 (FUTURE trial)
Fulvestrant with additional palbociclib in advanced or metastatic hormone receptor-positive HER2–negative breast cancer after progression to fulvestrant monotherapy: JBCRG- M07 (FUTURE trial)
- Articles and Publications
- jRCT
- Memo
- COI Disclosure
COI Disclosure_M07_20220613